Nurcan Chaghan

Faded footfalls

About Nurcan

  • Name: Nurcan (Nur-jan) Chaghan

  • Age: 32

  • Height: 5'0

  • Weight: 125 Pz

  • Race/Clan: Au Ra - Xaela

  • Nationality:Othardian (Steppe Nomad)


Nurcan is not an animated woman. Moving steadily and quietly, she doesn't seem to do anything with any specific purpose in mind. She is tepid in disposition, rarely raising her voice or showing the bull-headedness common to her kin. She seemingly finds no pleasure in life's simplest enjoyments, whether that be a warm bath or a hot meal.Shys away from conventional melee weapons and refuses to touch or be too close to them.


Skin color and hair sit at at a light and dark shade of purple respectively. Body is well-honed, common to Au Ra of the Xaela clan. Little to no scarring. Eyes are dark and ringed by purple limbals. Scales are blue, common to the females of her race

Brief History

Nurcan's history begins where her affiliation with her birth tribe ends. Eight years before the events of Doma's last and finally successful liberation, Nurcan of the Qerel was ousted from their ranks. Alone with only scant supplies, she found an in with others facing a similar burden and together they eked out a humble existence.

The call would sound out years later, however, spurring her kin to answer/ A fire was sparked in their hearts, giving color to a gray world. A fire she would reject, seeing it as a fell flame of destruction. Those Chaghan she called brothers, sisters and even one she called lover would meet their end due to the blind arrogance of one man and Nurcan was left to wander on her own once more.


Qereli-Born, Chaghan Taken - Those who claim themselves as the Tiger Bane's or Taken may know Nurcan. Both may have grievances with her, whatever her stance on Karash may be.

Frosted Footfalls - She regularly travels through the tail mountains from Xaela territory into Yanxian lands. Those mountain tribes or mountain dwelling Yanxians may have seen her moving about on her lonesome

A Mysterious Package - The woman carries a heavily wrapped object on her back when not in town. It's shape is indiscernible but those who are familiar with the smell of gunpowder and smoke might be able to divine the object within.

OOC and Other Stuff

  • I am an NA player on the Crystal and Dynamis Datacenters and the Mateus and Hallicarnassus servers, respectively.

  • I am 28 years old and expect my potential RP partners to be at least 21+

  • I am generally Okay with all RP Themes, however if you are unsure of specifics it is something I am happy to talk about!

  • My timezone is NA PST time, generally from 8am - 12am. My free days vary wildly from week to week as the nature of my job demands it.

  • I am open to doing RP both in-game and Discord as is needed.

  • Feel free to reach out to me in-game or if we share a Discord server, then I am also available to DM as well!